Cloud Security: Understanding the Basics

Every day, more and more companies are moving their intellectual property and data to the cloud and taking precautions to make sure that their information is locked down. When talking about technology, “cloud” seems to be thrown around a lot without a true understanding of how much cloud technology is really involved in our everyday lives.

The most common example that typically comes to mind is concerning cell phones, and securing that information somewhere to transfer it at a future date. While it is true that this is one of many applications of cloud security, it has a much greater impact on the inner-workings of many organizations, both big and small.

What Is Cloud Security?

Cloud security is a combination of technologies, operations, and strategic approaches which all work together to help preserve your data, and infrastructure. Cybersecurity threats are growing exponentially and becoming more and more advanced, and adapting to cloud technology not only provides threat protection and threat intelligence, but is also among the most efficient ways to prevent data loss and breaches, while also protecting your workload, cutting costs, and reducing both time and resources through shared responsibility with your provider. 

The simplest way to describe what Cloud Security is, and how it affects our daily lives, is to use practical examples that everyone can relate to. For example, when you leave your house or car, you always make sure the door is locked in an effort to protect what is inside. The same concept applies with information and data.

Sensitive information such as PCI and PII are all at risk when there is not proper protection in the cloud. Having a basic understanding of how to protect the information and data that is kept online is just as important as protecting yourself and your assets. Online data protection is becoming a more critical priority day after day for both the general public, as well as small and large businesses. Moving to a securely configured cloud-based system ensures that your workplace is protected, and operates efficiently using strategies such as encryption, authentication, access controls, key management, and plenty more that are the pillars of cloud security. 

Protecting the company's proprietary information and data however, does not just fall solely into the hands of the provider of these cloud-based security services, the consumer of these products has some responsibility and plays a role as well.

This is outlined in the “Shared Responsibility Model.” This model outlines and separates the different obligations between customer and provider. It explains concepts such as the customer being responsible for the security of their data and information within the cloud, whereas the provider is responsible for the security of the cloud itself. Meaning that things such as encryption, integrity and identity fall under the responsibility of the customer, while the cloud provider is responsible for things such as computation, networking, and storage of the actions of the customer. 

Partner With DMI

DMI is a full spectrum systems integrator in both the Commercial and Public sector. As well as being partnered with Microsoft and Amazon Web Services, we offer an incredibly wide range of Cloud based security resources, holding over 225 AWS and Microsoft certifications, and offering a variety of services such as Cloud-Native App Development, Cloud Adoption, CRM, Strategy and Readiness Assessment, and Cloud DevOps.

Whether you’re looking to move a business towards a Cloud-based service, or looking to stay up to date and keep your information secure, DMI and our partners are here to keep the cloud locked down and safe. For more information, visit our website at

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