Kringle Industries: Santa’s Dilemma

This year has been unique and challenging for everyone as the global pandemic has forced us to adapt to new processes and business models. Kringle Industries is no exception. When the pandemic hit, I was already in the throes of 2020 holiday planning and strategizing. It stopped our operations short. 

Suddenly, there were so many obstacles facing our operations at Kringle Industries that I was quickly losing confidence. Could we even successfully pull off Christmas this year?  

During a normal holiday season, it takes careful planning to get all our products to our clients—the children of the world—in just one night. The logistical challenges to delivering joy to people across the globe this Christmas seemed too difficult to overcome. 

Working Remotely

Instead of gathering together at the North Pole with my elves to begin planning and allocating resources, all of my elves were working from home. The workshop areas that were typically filled with the sounds of elves joyfully building toys for clients would be silent. 

There wouldn’t be any in-person meetings to make sure deadlines are met. No discussions over milk and cookies to ensure Christmas is on track. Plus, managing the elves from afar would be a full-time job. 

Client Expectations and Experience

At Kringle Industries, gaining insights into our clientele is a critical component of our job. We have to learn more about what they want and need for Christmas. That’s difficult this year.

In order to comply with social distancing guidelines, I won’t be traveling much ahead of the big day. No time at local malls or shopping spots to greet people and give them the opportunity to share their wish list for this year. Developing my naughty or nice list will be an impossible task. 

Without all that information, how would I be able to fulfill the holiday and customer experience that we’ve all become accustomed to?  

Tracking & Analytics

Even if we found a way to get people’s wish lists, acquiring and delivering products across the globe is not an easy task right now. With such disconnect, being able to guarantee the right products are delivered to the right people is inconceivable. And in our business, we have a reputation to live up to.

We know Kringle Industries isn’t the only company facing these types of challenges. Leadership all across the globe are taking a look at their current business model and determining how to achieve their goals while shifting operations in response to the global pandemic. 

As my distress continued to grow, one of my elves chimed in with a possible solution. Was there a glimmer of hope for Kringle Industries and a chance that Christmas could be saved?

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